About "the destruction of money" (myth?) in your last paper
June 20, 2017 - h.12:48
Dear Paul Mercier,
in Your last paper (Public debt, central bank and money: some clarifications, May, 2017, pag.41) I read:
"....creation might be compensated by the destruction of money resulting from the possibility that the seller of the bond uses the proceeds of the sale to extinguish a debt initially granted by a commercial bank...".
From our research conducted in Italy such destruction don't really occur. Upon repayment of a debt with a bank the sum involved is received in the bank's main account ("conto accentrato"), while the position is cleared only in the accounting books. The electronic money in the main account is never destroyed and there are not records of such a destruction.
The problem may be as follow: money creation in a bank is never recorded as an inflow in the cash flow account of the same bank, hence it is created "off the books" and upon repayment it is "off-the-books" again (sort of shadow-money). Bank money and book-accounting are two very different things.
See for reference:
Torfason, A. - Cash flow accounting in banks – a study of practice, Göteborgs University, 2014
I would like to receive your comments if any.
president at IASSEM - http://iassem.org
director at UniMoscow - http://www.imperialclub.net/
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The answer, below (edited):
h. 14:13 (same day)
Dear Mr Saba,
First of all let me thank you for having read, and with attention from what I see, my paper;
I would be delighted to discuss this further with you should you ever have the opportunity to visit Luxembourg.
In any I would express my appreciation for stimulating the discussion and my own thoughts.
Kind regards,
Paul Mercier
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